
Delivery Delivery

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Specificity of the equipment made by «Arkada-MB» Ltd. means that its transportation is carried out by heavy load-lifting vehicles, e.g. cargo motor transport or the railway. At the delivery by railway transport, in addition expenses for equipment packing are included according to the requirements of the Ministry of Railways. Equipment delivery terms are discussed at the contract conclusion. «Arkada-MB» uses following kinds of the equipment delivery to the customers:


EXW — EX Works

Franco factory

The delivery kind «Franco factory» means that the seller is considered to be discharged their delivery duties when the seller gives the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the enterprise or in other named place (for example: at factory, a warehouse and etc.). The seller isn't responsible for goods loading to a vehicle, and also for the customs clearance of the goods for export.

Thus this term assigns the minimum duties to the seller, and the buyer should incur all expenses and risks in connection with transportation of the goods from the enterprise of the seller to the point of destination. However, if the parties wish, that the seller incurs the duties for goods loading in a point of departure and takes all risks and expenses for such shipment, it should be stipulated accurately in corresponding addition to the purchase and sale contract.


FCA — Free Carrier

Franco carrier

The delivery kind «Franco carrier» means that the seller delivers the goods which have passed customs clearance to the carrier specified by the buyer, to the named place. The choice of a place of delivery affects the goods loading and unloading obligations in the given place. If the delivery is carried out in the seller room, the seller bears responsibility for shipment. If delivery is carried out in other place, the seller doesn't bear responsibility for the shipment of goods.

The given term can be used by transportation by any kind of transport including the mixed traffic. The word «Carrier» is understood as any person who on the basis of the transportation contract undertakes to carry out or provide goods transportation. If the buyer trusts another person who is not a carrier to accept the goods, the seller is considered to be discharged their delivery duties of the goods from the moment of the goods transfer to this person.



Delivered at frontier (delivery to the border)
Transport type —any kind of transportation

«Delivery to the border» means that the company «Arkada-Enginiring» performed the delivery when it gave undischarged goods which had passed customs clearance for export, but not for import on the arrived vehicle at the disposal of the buyer in the named point or a place on the border before the goods come to the customs border from a particular country. «Border» is understood as the term of any border, including the border of the export country.

This term can be applied by transportation of the goods by the transport of any kind when the goods are delivered to the land border.

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