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About Us About Us

About us      Our history      Products and Technologies      Quality      Guarantees       Commissioning works      Responsibility       Engineering services     Innovation and development      Delivery     

«Arkada-MB» company develops dynamically and confidently, taking in the lead positions in the markets of Russia and the CIS.

The basic line of activity of the company is working out of technologies and equipment manufacture on processing of thin-gauge steel by pressure.

During the company activity wide experience in the field is saved up, powerful technological platforms which are a basis for constant development and updating of product ranges of the company are created.

Company distinctive features in the international market are universality (wide assortment), possibility to offer buyers complex decisions, presence of unique and reliable engineering decisions, the European quality of production, an average range of the prices for production, efficient and available service.

We are sure that our production and services are the most optimum offer in the international market for customers on a quality-price ratio and allow to provide requirements of any category of customers optimum.

The engineering — design office of the company includes more than 50 skilled and well prepared experts and is one of the largest scientifically-engineering divisions in the world of leaders of working out in the field.

More than 166 high technologies in the field of processing sheet metals are created by designers and engineers of the company, besides more than 300 projects of the modern equipment are developed.

Experts of the company have introduced more than 20 large inventions protected by patents, and have created a lot of know-how which allows the company to keep high competitiveness.

In 2003 the team of experts of the company has been awarded awards of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of a science and technics for creation and introduction in modern building of the automated technological complexes of processing of sheet metal.

The brand «Arkada-MB» has the deserved reputation on Russian and the international markets.

The developed and introduced equipment of the company meets the highest modern requirements and doesn’t concede to foreign analogs in productivity, reliability and operational expenses. A number of workings out of the company has no analogs in the world.

Production, represented by «Arkada-MB» is certificated, made on the European norms of safety at operation and marked by sign СЕ.

Experience of the company in manufacturing and introduction more than 370 automatic transfer lines and the automated complexes in 25 branch directions allows to solve the most difficult engineering and technological problems. More than 200 enterprises in Russia, in the CIS countries and the foreign companies work with us.

«Arkada-MB» has spent modernization more than 20 lines of import manufacture.

The majority of buyers become our regular customers and partners and for many years get company production.

Our marketing strategy is based on the offer of the most effective, modern and optimum decisions for business of our clients and provides rendering of qualitative and complex services to our Partners — Customers in equipment manufacturing, working out of technological processes, engineering consulting that includes modernization of existing processes and the equipment, personnel training, certification of production of the Customer and working out of specifications, constant service and technical support, the feasibility report on introduced processes and preparation of materials for patenting of production of the Customer.

The special attention in strategic plans of the company is given to service and service development. This one of key lines of activity which provides complex and quick rendering of services to buyers on the put equipment, and also the efficient decision of any problem, arising at buyers in the course of manufacture of products from sheet metals.

© «Arkada-MB» Ltd.2024г. / phone: (4812) 65-26-99 (multichannel phone)