Engineering Service

Engineering Service Engineering Service Engineering Service

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«Arkada-MB» Ltd except the discharged equipment and gears delivers manufacturing techniques of the above mentioned products, including specifications for the production of the Customer where all requirements and characteristics of products are put. The specifications are necessary for production statement on manufacture and for its certification.

«Arkada-MB» carries out also professional consulting for every line of activity; it renders, at necessity, the help to Customers at production statement on manufacture and at production certification.

Service complex:

  • Contract supervision and commissioning works at the territory of the Customer
  • Support manning
  • Backup service
  • Services in introduction and uptake of the output engineering
    • Offer of the industrial engineering
      • Variants of the equipment placing
      • Calculation of the area requirements to the basic manufacture and auxiliary premises and warehouses,
      • Calculation of requirement for metal, proceeding from the productivity of the equipment, norms of the material rate
    • Preparation of specifications for the production let out by the Customer
    • Working out and registration of technical processes
    • Preparation of the complete set of the documentation necessary at the organization of the production to manufacture
    • Services in preparation and carrying out of certification of the production
  • Training of the personnel of the Customer with certificate issuance
  • Consulting services in technical questions, questions of the organization of production on manufacture, certifications of the production, the production technology, operation of the equipment etc.


Manufacture «on a turn-key basis»

Today the problem of the organization of manufacture, which corresponds to the market condition best, has sharply risen for many enterprises. The competition is high enough and inquiries of consumers constantly change. To achieve success, it is necessary to know wishes of consumers and to carry them out as quickly as possible. Manufacture should work wholeheartedly, to be flexible and not cost-based. «Arkada-MB» Ltd offers the clients unique service (manufacture «on a turn-key basis»). The process of creation of manufacture «on a turn-key basis» can be divided into some stages:

1Receipt of an inquiry from the clientOur experts will start to work, when an application for manufacture creation «on a turn-key basis», connected with a profile of activity of our organization, is issued.
2Market analysisResearches of market studying, where the customer plans to work, are conducted. Demand for production, a competitive situation and the other factors influencing business are studied. Recommendations about release of various kinds of production claimed in the market are prepared.
3Equipment choiceExperts of «Arkada-MB» Ltd select the necessary equipment, being based on requirements of the customer and an analyst of the market.
4Building choiceThe requirements to a premise (metric area, communications and so on) are defined on the basis of the recommended complete set of the equipment.
5Manufacture of the equipment designed taking into account properties of a premise
(Premise logistics)
The equipment is started in manufacture. Equipment characteristics (the charging side of rolls etc.) depend on the scheme of manufacture developed by our experts.
6Starting-up and adjustmentThe premise is prepared, the equipment is installed.
7Tracking«Arkada-MB» Ltd carries out control over manufacture, service and backup service, carries out personnel training.

© «Arkada-MB» Ltd.2024г. / phone: (4812) 65-26-99 (multichannel phone)