Commissioning and Training

Commissioning and Industrial Training Commissioning and Industrial Training Commissioning and Industrial Training

About us      Our history      Products and Technologies      Quality      Guarantees       Commissioning works      Responsibility       Engineering services     Innovation and development      Delivery     

In practice of «Arkada-MB» work with Customers commissioning work always precedes the start of the difficult industrial equipment, this work is carried out by highly skilled experts of the company.

«Arkada-MB» experts make all necessary technological operations connected with preparation of the equipment, its components and systems during the whole service life.

The order of commissioning makes a reservation by separate points in treaty provisions.

Commissioning carrying-out of the commissioning office is pledge of a successful and durable operation.

Working capacity of any equipment depends not only on its quality, but also on the attendants.

«Arkada-MB» Ltd. carries out practical skills training work at the delivered equipment.

For this purpose our experts conduct theoretical and practical training with experts of the customer then they get certificates on the admission to the equipment operation. The equipment made by the company «Arkada-MB» is extremely simple in use. It is connected with process automation and use of components from leading world manufacturers. As a rule, it is required from 1 to 3 persons for the line service.

We are interested that the qualified experts work on the equipment, made by «Arkada-MB» Ltd.

© «Arkada-MB» Ltd.2024г. / phone: (4812) 65-26-99 (multichannel phone)