Guarantees and Service

Guarantees and Service Guarantees and Service Guarantees and Service

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Guarantee period of equipment maintenance of mark's label «Arkada-MB» is 1 year. Quality of the backup service is the quality symbol of all the company. The experts of «Arcade-engineering» Ltd carry out the most tightened inspection over the manufacture, assemblage and installation of the equipment. Component parts from leading world manufacturers are used in the equipment, we support long and strong business relations with the majority of them.

The tailored manufacture and logistics service guarantee presence of component parts and units in the company warehouses. It provides the fastest reaction to coming inquiries on guarantee repair and equipment service. As a rule, consideration time of each guarantee case takes no more than 3 days. Complete full documentation and the library of drawings are delivered from each line for simplification of the failed element search.

Support Manning

Support manning is the major element of quality management of the company «Arkada-MB». We supervise the work of the equipment both during the backup service period and after it. At the enterprise there is a base of malfunctions that allows our experts to make decisions very quickly. For the maximum convenience of our clients the modems connected with our service center are built optionally in the lines. It allows to carry out equipment diagnostics by phone and in due time to react to occurrence of malfunctions.

© «Arkada-MB» Ltd.2024г. / phone: (4812) 65-26-99 (multichannel phone)