Innovations and Workings Out

Innovations and Workings Out Innovations and Workings Out Innovations and Workings Out Innovations and Workings Out Innovations and Workings Out

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The tasks of appearance at new markets and bringing there new product groups are very important for the company strategy of development.

Thus the essential attention is given to research and development both in the field of a product and in the field of industrial technology.

The basic perspective technological directions according to which active scientific researches and developmental workings out are conducted now in the company:

  • Light weight steel framing for use in the building branch;
  • Steel permanent form;
  • The stretched waffle-type profiles;
  • Flexible automatic lines of new generation profiling.


Perspective and innovative technologies with working out and gear and equipment manufacturing:

  • Permanent form with the use of profiles, including waffle-type, for power saving up technologies and fast erection of buildings;
  • Special metal floorings with wide edges for the loaded overlappings of industrial and residential buildings;
  • Special profiles for car building (carriage engineering) of carbon steel;
  • The special goffered profiles for car building (jackets and a car body frame) of corrosion-resistant steel;
  • The special goffered sound-proof metal sheets with punching for industrial buildings, stadiums, pools and other constructions;
  • Profiles building of different function of steel with a limit of fluidity 490 N/mm2;
  • Punched and nonperforated cable trays and boxes for a lining of electric power cable lines, cable lines of communication systems, the fire and security alarm system inside and outside of premises;
  • Profiles for electric equipment cabinets;
  • Profiles for drainage water drain systems;
  • Profiles to the theme «Power saving up technologies» for a structure skeleton to solar batteries;
  • Sections for pendant bathroom equipment of inhabited and public buildings;
  • Sections to the theme «Agricultural manufacture» for silage constructions;
  • Sections for industrial wide hothouses with any extent of length;
  • Sections for motor industry

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