
Quality Quality Quality

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«Arkada-MB» policy in the field of quality is the expression of the principles and the values following from the Mission and the strategy of the company. We consider the quality of our production as the main means of strengthening of positions of the enterprise in the market and as a result there is increase in profit of the company, well-being of our company and the society as a whole.

The central aim of our activity in the field of quality is to project, make and deliver production satisfying the requirements and expectations of the consumers as much as possible, taking into account economic interests of the company.

«Arkada-MB», Ltd. management takes responsibility for following an object in view and to direct the activity on:

  • Regular and purposeful studying of inquiries both external and internal consumers, quick reaction to their remarks and offers;
  • Rational use of resources and decrease in the cost price of production for the account:
    • Improvements of designs, technology and processes of control systems;
    • Preventions of occurrence of errors at designing, manufacturing of production and management of the company activity.
  • Cooperation with suppliers on accurate understanding of requirements of consumers;
  • Management of activity and resources as a system of the interconnected processes at which mutual relations of the personnel are under construction as the relation between the supplier and the consumer, each employee bears responsibility for quality of the work and has the right to expect good work from the co-workers.

«Arkada-MB» management takes responsibility for realization of the Policy of «Arkada-MB» management and undertakes:

  • To plan and provide with necessary resources activity of the staff on realization of the accepted directions.
  • To create and support the internal environment promoting involving of the staff of the enterprise in process of continuous improvement of activity of the company as much as possible.
  • To give the priority to the quality questions in decision-making.
  • To supervise, estimate the system effectiveness of management and to work over its improvement.

© «Arkada-MB» Ltd.2024г. / phone: (4812) 65-26-99 (multichannel phone)