Geography of Deliveries ARKADA-MB

Ural federal district
1Automatic cold forming line: siding, corrugated board, metal tilesЧелябинскЧелябинская обл.
2Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framingЕкатеринбургСвердловская обл.
3Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framingМагнитогорскЧелябинская обл.
4Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalМагнитогорскЧелябинская обл.
5Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalТюменьТюменская обл.
6Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalЧелябинскЧелябинская обл.
7Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalЕкатеринбургСвердловская обл.
8Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalМагнитогорскЧелябинская обл.
9Stamping complex: stamped details like "crab", "straight suspension", perforated steel tapeТюменьТюменская обл.
10Stamping complex: stamped details like "crab", "straight suspension", perforated steel tapeМагнитогорскЧелябинская обл
11Complex for spiral seem duct pipes productionТюменьТюменская обл.

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