Geography of Deliveries ARKADA-MB

Central federal district
1Stamping complex: stamped details like "crab", "straight suspension", perforated steel tapeЯрцевоСмоленская обл.
2Automatic longitudinal slitting line for rolled metalЯрцевоСмоленская обл.
3Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing frames, building and facade framing, perforated corners, beacons, transverse framing for "Armstrong"suspension systemЯрцевоСмоленская обл.
4Complex for spiral seem duct pipes productionЯрцевоСмоленская обл.
5Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing frames, building and facade framing, perforated corners, beacons, transverse framing for "Armstrong"suspension systemСмоленскСмоленская обл.
6Automatic strip calibration unitСмоленскСмоленская обл.
7Stamping complex: stamped details like "crab", "straight suspension", perforated tapeСмоленскСмоленская обл.
8FlexipressСмоленскСмоленская обл.
9Technological equipment complex for thrust suspension framing productionСмоленскСмоленская обл.
10Forming mill: refrigerator partsСмоленскСмоленская обл.
11Automatic cold forming line: perforated corner, building framingЯрославльЯрославская обл.
12Automatic cold forming line: perforated corner, building framingУгличЯрославская обл.
13Automatic cold forming line: coolant separators parts, details of the culvert system, corrugated boards, metal tiles, air conditioning system elements.ПодольскМосковская обл
14Automatic cold forming line: coolant separators parts, details of the culvert system, corrugated boards, metal tiles, air conditioning system elements.п. БогородскоеМосковская обл.
15Automatic cold forming line: coolant separators parts, details of the culvert system, corrugated boards, metal tiles, air conditioning system elements.ЛобняМосковская обл.
16Automatic cold forming line: coolant separators parts, details of the culvert system, corrugated boards, metal tiles, air conditioning system elements.КашираМосковская обл.
17Stamping complex: stamped details like "crab", "straight suspension", perforated steel tapeКашираМосковская обл.
18Automatic cold forming line: coolant separators parts, details of the culvert system, corrugated boards, metal tiles, air conditioning system elements.ФрязиноМосковская обл.
19Automatic cold forming line: coolant separators parts, details of the culvert system, corrugated boards, metal tiles, air conditioning system elements.КоролевМосковская обл.
20Complex for spiral seem duct pipes productionОдинцовоМосковская обл.
21Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing frames, building and facade framing, perforated corners, beacons, transverse framing for "Armstrong"suspension systemМоскваМосква
22Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalДубнаМосковская обл.
23Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalМоскваМосква
24Automatic transverse slitting line for rolled metalМоскваМосква
25Stamping complex: perforated tape for forming lines, beacons and angles.МоскваМосква
26Automatic cold forming line: open and closed profiles for various purposesКурскКурская обл.
27Stamping complex: perforated steel tapeКурскКурская обл.
28Automatic cold forming line: trading shelvesп. СудиславльКостромская обл.
29Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalВолгореченскКостромская обл.
30Automatic cold forming lineОбнинскКалужская обл.
31Stamping complex: perforated tape for forming lines, beacons and angles.ОбнинскКалужская обл.
32Stamping complex: perforated tape for forming lines, beacons and angles.БалабановоКалужская обл.
33Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalЛипецкЛипецкая обл.
34Stamping complex: stamped details like "crab", "straight suspension"ЛипецкЛипецкая обл.
35Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalВоронежВоронежская обл.
36Stamping complex: stamped details like "crab", "straight suspension"ВоронежВоронежская обл.
37Stamping complex: stamped details like "crab", "straight suspension"БолоховоТульская обл.
38Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalНорильскКрасноярский край
North-Western federal district
39Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing frames, building and facade framing, perforated corners, beacons, transverse framing for "Armstrong"suspension systemСанкт-ПетербургЛенинградская обл.
40Automatic cold forming line: trading shelvesВеликие ЛукиПсковская обл.
41Automatic cold forming line: corrugated board, metal tilesПетрозаводскРеспублика Карелия
42Automatic cold forming line: purlins, open sections for various purposesЧереповецВологодская обл.
43Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalСанкт-ПетербургЛенинградская обл
44Automatic transverse slitting line for rolled metalСанкт-ПетербургЛенинградская обл.
45Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalЧереповецВологодская обл.
46Automatic transverse slitting line for rolled metalЧереповецВологодская обл.
47Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalКалининградКалининградская обл.
48Stamping complex: stamped parts such as "crab", "straight suspension", perforated tape, beacon and angle, heat transfer elements of radiator batteriesСанкт-ПетербургЛенинградская обл.
49Processing equipment complex for thrust hanger productionСанкт-ПетербургЛенинградская обл.
50Processing equipment complex for punching holes in a metal tapeСанкт-ПетербургЛенинградская обл.
51Complex for spiral seem duct pipes productionСанкт-ПетербургЛенинградская обл.
Southern federal district
52Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing frames, building and facade framing, perforated corners, beaconsМихайловкаВолгоградская обл.
53Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalВолгоградВолгоградская обл.
54Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing frames, building and facade framing, perforated corners, beaconsВолгоградВолгоградская обл.
55Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing frames, building and facade framing, perforated corners, beaconsКраснодарКраснодарский край
56Stamping complex: stamped details like "crab", "straight suspension"Ростов-на- ДонуРостовская обл.
57Processing equipment complex for corrugated board and formed sheet productionКраснодарКраснодарский край
58Processing equipment complex for punching holes and rolling side corrugations: elements of the granaries roofsРостов-на- ДонуРостовская обл.
59Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framingПятигорскСтавропольский край
Privoljskiy federal district
60Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framing, corrugated board, metal tilesУфаРеспублика Башкортостан
61Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalЗаречныйПензенская обл.
62Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framingПермьПермская обл.
63Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framingСамараСамарская обл
64Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framingНижний НовгородНижегородская обл.
65Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalНижний НовгородНижегородская обл.
66Proccesing equipment complexИжевскРеспублика Удмуртия
67Complex for spiral seem duct pipes productionНабережные ЧелныРеспублика Татарстан
68Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing frames, building and facade framing, perforated corners, beaconsКировКировская обл.
69Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framingИжевскРеспублика Удмуртия
Ural federal district
70Automatic cold forming line: siding, corrugated board, metal tilesЧелябинскЧелябинская обл.
71Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framingЕкатеринбургСвердловская обл.
72Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framingМагнитогорскЧелябинская обл.
73Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalМагнитогорскЧелябинская обл.
74Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalТюменьТюменская обл.
75Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalЧелябинскЧелябинская обл.
76Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalЕкатеринбургСвердловская обл.
77Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalМагнитогорскЧелябинская обл.
78Stamping complex: stamped details like "crab", "straight suspension", perforated steel tapeТюменьТюменская обл.
79Stamping complex: stamped details like "crab", "straight suspension", perforated steel tapeМагнитогорскЧелябинская обл
80Complex for spiral seem duct pipes productionТюменьТюменская обл.
Siberian federal district
81Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framingНовосибирскНовосибирская обл
82Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framingБарнаулАлтайский край
83Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framingКрасноярскКрасноярский край
84Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framingИркутскИркутская обл
85Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framingНорильскКрасноярский край
86Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalНовосибирскНовосибирская обл.
87Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalБарнаулАлтайский край
88Stamping complex: stamped details like "crab", "straight suspension", perforated steel tapeИркутскИркутская обл.
89Stamping complex: clamps, brackets, fastening elements for facade systemsКрасноярскКрасноярский край
90Complex for spiral seem duct pipes productionТомскТомская обл.
CIS and other countries
91Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framing, trade shelvesКиевУкраина
92Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framingАлма-АтаКазахстан
93Automatic cold forming line: details of the drainage systems (pipes, gutters, skates), corrugated board, metal tile, purlinsМинскБеларусь
94Automatic cold forming line: reinforcing framing, building and facade framingФанипольБеларусь
95Automatic cold forming line: corrugated board, metal tilesНиколаевУкраина
96Automatic cold forming line: refrigerator partsМогилевБеларусь
97Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalNowy-SaczПольша
98Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalАлма-АтаКазахстан
99Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalМинскБеларусь
100Automatic logitudinal slitting line for rolled metalКраматорскУкраина
101Stamping complex: stamped details like "crab", "straight suspension", perforated steel tapeАлма-АтаКазахстан
102Stamping complex: stamped details like "crab", "straight suspension", perforated steel tapeНиколаевУкраина
103Stamping complex: perforated steel tape for fomring linesКиевУкраина
105Processing equipment for perforated billet productionМинскБеларусь

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