
Acceptance tests of the automatic froming line for metal profile with thickness up to 1,2 mm Acceptance tests of the automatic froming line for metal profile with thickness up to 1,2 mm Acceptance tests of the automatic froming line for metal profile with thickness up to 1,2 mm Acceptance tests of the automatic froming line for metal profile with thickness up to 1,2 mm
2023-09-12 | Relevant
Arkada-MB: Acceptance tests of the automatic froming line for metal profile with thickness up to 1,2 mm

Delivery - acceptance of the goods in the supplier's territory shall be completed by compiling up and signing by the authorized persons the Acceptance Certificate - acceptance of the goods within 1 (one) working day from the moment of completion of the delivery.

Then, the automatic line is dismantled, individual units are packed and loaded into the transportational vehicle.

Regarding design and manufacturing of the equipment required by the customer, please contact the commercial service of the company «Arkada-MB»:


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