
Acceptance tests of the automatic froming line for metal with thickness up to 6 mm Acceptance tests of the automatic froming line for metal with thickness up to 6 mm Acceptance tests of the automatic froming line for metal with thickness up to 6 mm Acceptance tests of the automatic froming line for metal with thickness up to 6 mm Acceptance tests of the automatic froming line for metal with thickness up to 6 mm Acceptance tests of the automatic froming line for metal with thickness up to 6 mm Acceptance tests of the automatic froming line for metal with thickness up to 6 mm
2022-06-15 | Relevant
Arkada-MB: Acceptance tests of the automatic froming line for metal with thickness up to 6 mm

In practice of «Arkada-MB» the launch of complex industrial equipment is always preceded by the comissioning works, that are conducted by qualified specialists of our company.

«Arkada-MB» specialists conduct all the necessary technological operations associated with the preparation of equipment, its components and systems throughout the life of the plant.

The order of commissioning is stipulated in separate clauses in the conditions of the contract (contract).

Qualified commissioning is the key to successful and long-term operation.

The performance of any equipment depends not only on its quality, but also on the staff.

«Arkada-MB» conducts training on practical skills required to work on the equipment supplied.

Delivery - acceptance of the goods in the «Arkada-MB» territory s completed by drawing up and signing by the authorized persons of the Parties of the Acceptance / Acceptance Certificate of the hoods within 1 (one) working day from the moment of completion of the delivery-acceptance.

For design and manufacturing of the equipment required by the customer, please contact the commercial service of the company «Arkada-MB»:


You can fill in the form Equipment cost request form

© Arkada-MB GmbH. 2024г. / tel.: (4812) 65-26-99 (mehrkanalig)